Chinese ExerciseBook {Android (Google Play)}【Powered By SmallGCOk】

Latest version: ver 2.2.1

Demonstration video:

Short description:
        ※App to quickly generate flat (Vocabulary, Calligraphy and Sophistical)

Full description:
        ※"Chinese ExerciseBook" It is an App designed for Mandarin teacher or parent, App to quickly generate flat with Mandarin Character, so that students or children can practice writing (Vocabulary, Calligraphy and Sophistical).


Varieties of App Demonstration Video:

        (Taiwán Language Book vocabulary series of exercise book):

        (TOCFL vocabulary series of exercise pages):

        (HSK vocabulary series of exercise pages):


Version information:
        【Chinese ExerciseBook ver 2.2.1】
            1. Application compatible with Android version 12.0
            2. Add quick search Chinese Book vocabulary (Chinese Dictionary)
              2.1. Taiwan Language Book (Han Lin, Kang Hsuan, Nan I)
              2.2. Chinese Book for Foreigners (Let's Learn Chinese, Speak Chinese with 500 words)
              2.3. Certification Test for Chinese language (TOCFL, HSK_2020, HSK_2012)
            3. Add tap on image allow to switch between Traditional and Simplified (Chinese Dictionary)
            4. Add phrase up to four characters (VEP)
            5. Add Bopomofo information (Strokes, Stroke order)
            6. Fix solid character restriction with Kai font BUG (CEP)
            7. Fix oversized font size BUG (CEP)
            8. Fix Chinese Dictionary compatibility BUG (Android 8.0)
            9. Fix Export Exercise Book fail on Specific Device BUG
            10. Fix show simplified character radical BUG
            11. Fix reported BUG
        【Chinese ExerciseBook ver 2.2】
            1. Add Chinese Dictionary
            2. Add custom practice word size (Vocabulary)
            3. Add Phonetic / Pinyin option registration function
            4. Add practice word color function
            5. Add tutorial for the first time
            6. Optimize App and User Experience
        【Chinese ExerciseBook ver 2.1.2】
            1. Add multiple PinYin modes (Initial Uppercase, All Uppercase, All Lowercase)
            2. Fix the distorted character (HES)
            3. Fix error of selecting custom background (HEC / HES)
            4. Optimize App and User Experience
        【Chinese ExerciseBook ver 2.1.1】
            1. Add 3 types of Stroke Order resolutions
            2. Add share function (PDF Viewer)
            3. Change term "Point" to "SCoin"
            4. Add custom background opacity function
            5. Add custom font (SCoin -1)
        【Chinese ExerciseBook ver 2.1】
            1. Change Trace Order group (Records more than 7,000 data)
            2. Add Simplified Chinese Stroke Order
            3. Add Simplified Chinese Dotted line font
            4. Add Simplified Chinese Li font
            5. Add Simplified Chinese Xing font
            6. Fix Simplified Chinese Radical
            7. Add radical Kangxi (Kai font)
            8. Increase points earned after watching advertising video (+10)
            9. Raise maximum point to 50 points
            10. Reduce points required to customize background image
            11. Add custom frame background image function
            12. Optimize speed of generating Stroke Order
            13. Delete simplified mode option (Convert automatically)
            14. Adjust Width of the Stroke Order [SEP]
            15. Optimize text resolution [SEP]
            16. Add 2 and 3 character template [SEP]
            17. Add Solid Character mode
            18. Add Simple Frame option
            19. Add Frameless Frame option
            20. Fix BUG to delete file after renaming
            21. Share hundreds of Chinese Practice Sheets
            22. Optimize App and User Experience
        【Chinese ExerciseBook ver 2.0】
            1. Add Sophistical Exercise Page PDF mode (SEP)
            2. Add eight template designs [SEP]
            3. Add three type of fonts [CEP]
            4. Add correction area [VEP]
            5. Add dotted line on full page
            6. Add four frame style of "回"
            7. Change App LOGO icon
            8. Change PDF icon
            9. Change custom background can use independently
            10. Fix reported BUG
            11. Fix text color BUG [CEP]
            12. Optimize App UI and User Experience
        【Chinese ExerciseBook ver 1.9】
            1. Add Calligraphy Exercise Page PDF mode (CEP)
            2. Add custom words per page [CEP]
            3. Add custom character font [CEP]
            4. Add text alignment (from Right to Left)
            5. Add different PDF icon for vocabulary and calligraphy (Red Spine and Yellow Tourmaline)
            6. Add simplified radical (Registers 2500 data)
            7. Add number of files to show
            8. Add option create new classification [Classification]
            9. Add file overload protection
            10. Add quick filter of share function
            11. Change save files path
            12. Fix delete files BUG
            13. Fix phonetic / pinyin dislocation BUG
            14. Fix page number BUG
            15. Optimize algorithm in generating PDF [VEP]
            16. Optimize App UI and User Experience
        【Chinese ExerciseBook ver 1.8】
            1. Add PDF with Custom Background Image
            2. Add PinYin Alphabet Keyboard
            3. Add Custom Text Color
            4. Add Custom Frame Opacity
            5. Add create classification
            6. Add PDF classification function
            7. Add PDF Batch Processing function
            8. Add classification shortcut on Main Screen
            9. Show PDF generation progress
            10. Fix BUG of PDF with Custom Watermark
            11. Improve the App UI and User Experience
        【Chinese ExerciseBook ver 1.6】
            1. Add Radical option (Registers 15,000 data)
            2. Add Stroke Order option (Registers 5,400 data)
            3. Add Text orientation
            4. Add PDF with Custom Watermark
            5. Add File Name Template
            6. Add Additional Exercise Page
            7. Fix Android 4.0 BUG
            8. Improve the App UI and User Experience
        【Chinese ExerciseBook ver 1.5】
            1. Add Phonetic option
            2. Add PinYin option
            3. Add Annotation option
            4. Add multiple Frame style
            5. Add PDF without Watermark mode
        【Chinese ExerciseBook ver 1.2】
            1. Add Double Deck Function
            2. Add Phrase Function
            3. Add Calligraphy Mode (Support Non-Chinese Traditional)
            4. Fix Close BUG
        【Chinese ExerciseBook ver 1.0】
            1. Add export function to PDF
            2. Add dotted line effect
            3. Add customize page size and orientation
            4. Add include Name, Date and Page Number
            5. Add function to get file list
            6. Add file management function (Delete, Rename, View, Print and Share)
            7. Add multiple languages (Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, English, Spanish)

Google Play link:

App ScreenShot:

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