App*Share {Android (Google Play)}【Powered By SmallGCOk】
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PriceREC Easy and simple to record price of the item, can comparison the price in future. |
LADictionary Create your custom dictionary, Easy and fast. |
StopWatch Eazy to use. |
ScreenOFF Fast change the time of Sleep |
ScoreCalc Quickly get the exam score. |
TextSave Is easier to transfer texts between computers and mobile phones. |
BusinessSchedule Forgot to visit a client? Now "BusinessSchedule" will remind you… |
MoneyCalc It is easier to calculate the total amount. |
SpecialAlarm Can customize alarm that the cycle is not 1 week (7 days) |
LAKaraoke Music Order Application contains several KTV online |
MILE TIME SV Mark the location of all vegetarian restaurants in El Salvador |
CountDown Eazy to use. |
CountdownExecution Automatic Open or Close WiFi & Bluetooth |
YouTube Downloader Downloading videos or audio from YouTube now is not difficult |
Chinese ExerciseBook Fast generate flat with Vocabulary or Calligraphy to practice |
Chinese ExerciseBook LITE Fast generate flat with Mandarin Character to practice writing |
HanZi Converter A collection of tools needed for "Teaching / Learning" Chinese (No Internet) |
E-attendance Still using Excel take attendance before sending it? "E-attendance" is cloud App |
TimeClock Clean and practical app |
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